
  • WebDady Announces Network Security Upgrades

News: WebDady Announces Network Security Upgrades

Published: 17/06/2020

Today, WebDady announces two significant improvements to network security. We have fully implemented our Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) deployment, and we have joined the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative. These investments in our infrastructure demonstrate WebDady's commitment to network reliability and coordination with our peering partners.

About WebDady’s RPKI Deployment
Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) allows WebDady to digitally encrypt and sign routing advertisements in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) with private and public keys. We are proud to announce we actively filter our routing decisions and sign our routes with RPKI to protect our customers from route hijacks and misconfiguration.

WebDady has joined the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, supported by the Internet Society. Together with other industry leaders, including Akamai, AWS, Cloudflare, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix, WebDady has agreed to a set of specific actions to keep the Internet safe. Our technical implementation actions are published at manrs.org.

"Being MANRS compliant is not only good for WebDady," said Matos Lynch, Senior Network Architect at WebDady. "It’s an opportunity for us to help our peering partners improve their security while we contribute to a more resilient and trustworthy internet for everyone. It requires cooperation to ensure that routing leaks do not cascade into reliability or security issues. MANRS provides the framework for coordinated action."

All MANRS participants must commit to a routing security standard designed to prevent abuse, attacks, or errors due to routing errors. The initiative recommends the following security-enhancing actions:

• Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information
• Prevent traffic of illegitimate source IP addresses
• Facilitate global operational communication and coordination
• Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale
• Encourage MANRS adoption
• Provide monitoring and debugging tools to peering partners (optional)

Through our collaborative technical action, MANRS members make the global routing infrastructure more secure. WebDady is proud to implement the MANRS standard. We encourage our peer network partners to join our efforts to ensure a reliable, trustworthy Internet.